Each time that I see all the things that I’ve been pinning up to my board during all this year, and that I’ll have to take away in a few weeks, reminds me of a sentence that I stuck on here, which I wrote on 2005, “Mi vida es una gran pared, en la que todo el mundo ha puesto como mínimo un ladrillo / My life is like a big wall, in which everyone has put at least one brick on it”.
Because this board is absolutely full of souvenirs of all this year, for example:
- A necklace with flowers from our first flat party, it was a beach party, as you can imagine.- The remaining of an apron/kilt that any of my flatmates gave me for my birthday.
- A postcard from Algarve (Portugal) that Inês gave me last month.
- A clipping about the Spanish exchange meetings where I have met some really good people :)
- A picture of my parents.
- A list of all the Rucksack Club outings.
- My member card of the Edinburgh’s Casino, souvenir of my first CouchSurffing night :S
- Postcards from Dundee, from Ceuta (Spain) that Fran sent to me and another one from Granada (Spain) that my parents sent me :)
- A blue felt-tip pen blue that we found in the middle of the Fat Sam’s on my un-birthday party and with which we started to paint our faces :P
- A picture of Natalia and myself in The Alhambra (Granada, Spain) that she sent me with a big letter together with a postcard of her town that you can see on the right hand side.
- A birthday postcard from all my flatmates.
- The tickets to Ireland from last month: my trip of the year!
- The words of encouragement of my mom.
- One magnet from Ireland and another one from Scotland.
- All passport photos, except one, that I had on my wallet before it was soaked because of the heavy rain!!
- Another birthday postcard from the auto-proclaim “favorite Scottish friends”, and they probably were…
- Pictures of some of my friends from Spain.
- And a poem by Neruda that I wrote to myself, one day that I was sad last September
And all these things, and the rest of them, have a story! More bricks for my wall :)
- Restos del delantal/falda escocesa que me regalaron algunos de mis compis de piso por mi cumple.
- Una postal del Algarve (Portugal) que Inês me dio el mes pasado.
- Un recorte de periódico con los intercambios de español, en los que posteriormente acabaría conociendo a grandes personas :)
- Una foto de mis padres.
- La lista de las excursiones con el club de senderismo.
- La tarjeta de miembro del Casino de Edimburgo, recuerdo de mi primera noche haciendo CouchSurffing :S
- Una postal de Dundee, otra de Ceuta que me envió Fran y otra de Granada de mis padres.
- Un rotulador azul que nos encontramos en mitad de una discoteca una noche y empezamos a pintarnos todos la cara xD
- Una foto con Natalia en la Alhambra, que me envió junto a una carta y a una postal de Valdepeñas que podéis ver a la derecha.
- Una postal de mis compis de piso por mi cumple.
- Los billetes de Irlanda es mes pasado: el viajo del año!
- Una frase de ánimo de mi madre.
- Imanes de Irlanda y Escocia.
- Todas las fotos de carnet, excepto una, que tenía en mi cartera cuando se me inundó.
- Otra postal de felicitación de unos auto-proclamados “favorite Scottish friends” y que probablemente lo fueran…
- Fotos de mis amigos de España.
- Y un poema de Neruda que me escribí para mí un día que estaba triste en septiembre.
Y todas estas cosas, y el resto de ellas, tienen su historia! Más ladrillos en mi pared :)
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